3 ways to support refugee resettlement efforts

Here at Community Sponsorship Hub, we prepare people in communities like yours to welcome refugees and other displaced people. We work with resettlement organizations across the country to drive programs like the Welcome Corps and the Sponsor Circle Program.
Right now, we are working tirelessly to preserve sponsorship pathways during the pause of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, which has stopped all refugee travel and overseas processing, including for Welcome Corps sponsors.

Here are a few updates and ways to get involved:

Contact your elected officials.

This guide provides some tips on making a phone call, sending an email, or filing a case inquiry about your Welcome Corps application. 

Thousands of Welcome Corps sponsors have been waiting to welcome someone in need, many who applied to sponsor their loved ones, friends, and family members. We know the suspension of resettlement and the Welcome Corps is heartbreaking–especially when you care deeply about someone and want to be the one to help them. There’s a growing movement of sponsors advocating for the reinstatement of refugee resettlement and the Welcome Corps. Adding your voice lifts up the real impact on communities who have been left in the dark about the future of private sponsorship.

Sign up to welcome Afghan allies in need of urgent support.

We are inspired by the overwhelming number of people who have reached out to ask, “What can we do?” One of the most tangible ways to step up right now is through sponsorship.

With resettlement programs halted and imminent deportations in Pakistan and Albania, thousands of Afghan allies are arriving without the critical support they need after risking their lives to support U.S. troops during the 20-year war in Afghanistan. You know that sponsorship provides not only practical and emotional support, but it also can change the course of someone’s life and build more engaged and compassionate communities.

Unfortunately, the current pause on resettlement means we cannot accept applications to sponsor someone you know, but you can help Afghan allies who urgently need a warm welcome to America during this time.

Donate to support resettlement efforts. 

Donating is a powerful way to support refugee sponsorship, even if you don’t have the time or capacity to be a sponsor right now. Every dollar counts. Your gift helps ensure long-term impact for those seeking safety and the American communities eager to welcome them. 

Like others, CSH has faced significant funding challenges with the stop-work-order that abruptly suspended the Welcome Corps. Still, our mission continues. Our small team is determined to uplift the countless communities ready to welcome, families eager to help, and lives put on pause.