
We advocate for policies that enable communities to welcome displaced people through sponsorship.

A key component of our work at Community Sponsorship Hub is making sponsorship more accessible to communities welcoming refugees and other displaced people. We do this by generating and advancing bold, smart policies with the government and other stakeholders that allow communities to sponsor; and by connecting community partners at the national and local levels with the knowledge and financial resources they need to ensure that sponsors and those they are welcoming are set up for success.

To achieve this, we share knowledge and resources enabling traditional and non-traditional actors to grow and strengthen sponsorship opportunities nationwide. Our leadership and expertise is reflected in the U.S. Department of State’s selection of CSH to lead a consortium of partners in the launch of the Welcome Corps—a program that expands and enhances refugee resettlement in the United States, uplifting bold and innovative solutions to the global displacement crisis. In addition to the design and launch of the Welcome Corps, CSH informs, engages and empowers communities and stakeholders through community sponsorship programming.

Building a national movement of welcome takes time, deep community and stakeholder involvement, and a robust infrastructure. CSH has rapidly and sustainably scaled our efforts to ensure the success of the Welcome Corps and community sponsorship models.

In a time of an unprecedented displacement crisis, the need for solutions is as apparent as it is urgent. The benefits of community sponsorship are abundant and affect partner organizations, newcomers, communities, and society at large.

Community sponsorship presents an opportunity to fortify resettlement pathways and increase the number of newcomers who can safely rebuild their futures. Directly involving communities builds awareness around the refugee experience, elevates voices of lived experience and leads to more welcoming perspectives and attitudes. Sponsorship is a powerful, meaningful experience that activates communities and brings people together around shared values. Engaged community members become advocates helping to protect and enhance the systems, programs, and people that they so greatly value.

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working to advance private sponsorship.

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