Community Sponsorship Catalyst Fund Grantees
Through three rounds of funding, the Catalyst Fund now supports over 40 community sponsorship programs in the United States and is projected to expand community sponsorship opportunities to approximately 90 communities over the next two years.
Meet our Grantees
The Community Sponsorship Catalyst Fund (Catalyst Fund) is guided by the belief that when neighbors engage meaningfully in the welcoming of newcomers the entire community benefits.
- Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas Kansas City, Kansas
- Church World Service North Carolina Greensboro, North Carolina
- Church World Service North Carolina Durham, North Carolina
- Ethiopian Community Development Council Denver Denver, Colorado
- Ethiopian Community Development Council DC Metro Washington, DC
- Homes is Here NOLA New Orleans, Louisiana
- Interfaith Refugee & Immigrant Services and Home For Refugees Los Angeles, California
- Home For Refugees Los Angeles, California
- New Roots Fund Seattle, Washington
- U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants Albany Albany, New York
- Word Relief Chicagoland Chicago, Illinois

Members of the group have shared that Habibou taught them the simple power of building belonging for each other in a way that inspired them to create community with as many newly arriving families as possible.Home is Here NOLA Staff, reflecting on the experiences of their first sponsor group
Local-level organizations
- Bethany Christian Services Grand Rapids, Michigan
- Catherine McAuley Center Cedar Rapids, Iowa
- Church World Service Harrisonburg Harrisonburg, Virginia
- Della Lamb Kansas City, Missouri
- Ethiopian Community Development Council Brattleboro Brattleboro, Vermont
- Hello Neighbor Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- Journey’s End Refugee Services Buffalo, New York
- Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska Lincoln, Lexington, and Omaha, Nebraska
- Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- International Rescue Committee New Jersey Elizabeth, New Jersey
- Church World Service Jersey City Jersey City, New Jersey
- International Rescue Committee Abilene Abilene, Texas
- International Rescue Committee in Wichita Wichita, Kansas
- North Carolina African Services Coalition Greensboro, North Carolina
- Refugee Assistance Alliance Miami, Florida
National resettlement agencies launching co-sponsorship programs at local resettlement agencies across the United States
- Ethiopian Community Development Council Arlington, Virginia
- HIAS Silver Spring, Maryland
- World Relief Baltimore, Maryland

A family supported through World Relief’s HOME program partnership remarked to their World Relief case manager that they would do know what they would do without their sponsor group. The wife told the WR team that her husband who is a ‘shy and lonely [man]had already bonded with one of the male [group] members’ within the first three weeks of the sponsorship.World Relief Staff
Local-level organizations
- Ascentria Care Alliance in Massachusetts Worchester and West Springfield, Massachusetts
- Ascentria Care Alliance in New Hampshire Concord, New Hampshire
- Catholic Charities, Archdioceses of Boston Boston, Massachusetts
- Community Refugee and Immigration Services CRIS and Columbus, Ohio
- Church World Service North Carolina Durham, North Carolina
- Church World Service North Carolina Greensboro, North Carolina
- Exodus Refugee Immigration Indianapolis, Indiana
- Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services New Haven, Connecticut
- International Rescue Committee in Denver Denver, Colorado
- Jewish Family Services Metrowest Framingham, Massachusetts
- Lutheran Social Services (LSS) of the Southwest Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona
- RefugeeOne Chicago, Illinois
- Samaritas Southeast Michigan Detroit, Michigan
- Samaritas West Michigan Grand Rapids, Michigan
National resettlement agencies launching co-sponsorship programs at local resettlement agencies across the United States
- Episcopal Migration Ministries New York, New York
- Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service Baltimore, Maryland
I am eternally grateful for the connections I have made with the family, but also with our team who show me there is so much good in the world, if you know where to look.Co-sponsor working with JFS Metrowest